Clare Davies — Artist

Spending time in nature is relaxing and inspiring. Clare sees the world in colour, texture and pattern which translates into her paintings in a semi-abstract style. You are invited to share in her magical world. Not only is the great outdoors an important aspect in Clare’s work but her love of childhood fantasy books has played a part in the trees and shapes she loves to incorporate.
Watercolour allows Clare to mix, dab, block colour or create texture while maintaining a sense of light and build rich layers. Her original work is embellished with gold leaf to add a touch of opulence and is a reminder of the treasures found in the adventure books. Her colours are there to uplift and delight you.

  • I have my 'Tree of Life – Spring` print on the sideboard and cannot help but look at it when passing. The colours are fresh and reviving and make me feel optimistic, even during the winter months, and reminds me of better days to come.

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  • I chose ‘Tree of Life – Autumn’ as it is my favourite season. This print captures colours of rich golds, amber, burnt oranges, plums and greens which takes me to a mythical place. The tree of life with its textured branches is a bold image juxtaposed against the sun. There is both an element of stillness and movement with colours and textures superimposed to create a rich, magical and an enchanting place.
    I love it Clare. All your work is amazing !!

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  • The image, especially the tree takes me back to my childhood stories – a magical fiery tree with special powers and hidden sweets, in a strange forest. The vibrant sun represents hope and abundance for the future, lighting up the lush landscape. The number 3 is significant for me, shown in the arrangement of various forms, symbolised by the blazing emerald triangle.

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